Confidence and lead generation

How can I compete in today's business world?

Social media is full of crazy people who are willing to do anything for money, and it is not even educational. The other half of the content is created with robots.

My Bank account is getting low because I stay true to myself, and it is very hard to find people who are willing to pay my worth."

This was a letter from a client. She was very sad because even though she paid me the 22k for consulting+coaching she got no immediate result.

She put herself out there for the first time as a real person and she was shy and scared and had no one who watched her video.

I asked if no one watched your video, why did you been so shy and scared?

She had no audible answer.

I said okay, then let's see what you committed to? Every Saturday evening you go online and prepare the food for the next week.

She does this pre-made cooking that you can just take out from the fridge, make breakfast and bring with you to work and give your kids to bring to school as a lunch box. And from the "leftovers" (what doesn't fit into the boxes), she makes casseroles which she put in the freezer and uses as dinner. She had 8 kids, and a college student brother who live with them. So she cooked for 11 people in two hours. For me who can not cook more than a pancake and scrambled eggs it is magical.

Yes, I agreed to go live for 3 months every Saturday, as long as I cook 2-3 hours and then get back to you.

Exactly, and don't worry if no one watches, this is only for you to gain confidence. I try to encourage.

After a few weeks, she says there are some people who actually watch and comment. After two months she says, there are many views when she finishes the live. And people ask what utensils and boxes she uses.

If people ask for it then you should make a video about it. And have evrything link to your affiliate account to Amazon.

Xmas came and went and January-February her Channel subscribers grow so much. I recommended monetizing. (This was about 6 months in)

So we started an e-mail promotion. The lead magnet was pictures of her own handwritten recipe book, I created a front cover and a back cover for her. And she had an e-mail list. Easter she sold a special webinar/workshop for creating Spring meals. 75% of the people on her e-mail list sign up for this paid webinar. This had an upsell of creating a small garden and preserving the food from it. This includes live workshops, where she just switches on her camera and shows what has to be done. And the down sell was a tea group. Where they just plan out their weekly meals and shopping list and chat. In the main time, she typed in and published her cooking book and a meal planner.

Now, (July) she has a 100k monthly business, from the group, affiliates, and workshops. But most importantly, she is herself and enjoys her work with other "big family chefs".

The lesson for you is don't give up. Just be yourself and do what you like. there are people who like the same. And these are your people. If can stay true to yourself, you can create a thriving business.

By now if you followed these letters

Just waiting for the customers to show up and buy?

Nope, don't do that waiting is for people who are older than 95, and are sure they will die someday soon. Everyone else GO DO SOMETHING!

Doing the wrong thing is better than doing nothing. Because in the end, it is not wrong it is just something which is not work in your case. It happens move on.

You can go in front of customers by appearing in podcasts and publishing articles. Advertising is also an opinion, but it usually costs before it gives results. SEO is a great option that everyone should do from the beginning, but it also takes time.

In my opinion, the best is to grow with incentives and referrals.

Ask your clients if they know someone and you define that someone very well.

The capsule wardrobe lady asked, "Do you have a neighbor with kids who you like to share the cost with?" What she offered is packing multiple "capsules together" and it significantly reduced shipping, as parents shared the cost.

The handyman course creator asked, "Do you have a house owner friend in Europe?" He offered free months of membership to everyone who referred someone. And half-price for the first months for those who sign up. Those who did not sign up sent a second SMS with educational content and he had significantly more sign up.

You can read about these in my newsletters and other posts.

So what is that question which likely makes your clients think about someone they know and refer him/her to you?

Try this out now, and in 6 weeks' time again. You want to have a big sms/e-mail list by the end of September when Marketing starts.

Remember our timeline?

June-July-August Grow lists establish ourselves in every country we want to sell at BlackFriday.

September Launch a new product at a high price. (My Multilingual Marketing All-in-One software will be ready by then, if you want to test the English version and stay on the original plan, Jump on now as a tester)

October-November we keep on educating our list

Black Friday we lower the price.

And then we keep on selling our product at a "high price". Which will be the normal price by then. As our mindset has shifted, our confidence has grown.

If we are not confident, then we can not repeat success. And after Black Friday, there will be many events, where we need the confidence, to make even bigger successes, by reducing the time between successful months. If you are only successful once a year at Black Friday, then your business won't last. You need the confidence to create the same sales result on a normal day like the 8th of June which is World Ocean Day by the way even if you sell socks.

It takes time to be confident,

Takes time to know everything that is to know about your offer

Takes time to ignore critics

So get started now!

If we are not confident in ourselves we won't be able to attract the right leads. This addition has a case study of a lady who had a catering business that fall apart and then created a 100k/month business in a year without selling food, just her knowledge. Plus tips for you on how can you ask your current customers for referrals, from two other case studies.Â